Thursday, March 17, 2016

Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol

High cholesterol in the body can indeed cause problems in the body such as stroke, heart attack, and other dangers of disease. It's good if notice cholesterol levels in the body from becoming too high. There are many ways you can do to reduce or help in lowering cholesterol levels in the body.
Lowering cholesterol can be done in various ways such as eating healthy foods, exercising, and avoiding cigarettes and alcohol. In the discussion this time will discuss about some natural ways to help lower cholesterol levels in the body. Well for those of you who do not know how to lower cholesterol levels in the body naturally. Go see the discussion below!
Here are Some Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol
Type Nuts
The natural way to help lower cholesterol levels in the body of the first is to eat nuts. Based on the research that one person eating 1.5 ounces of walnuts nuts each day then within 1 month only helps lower cholesterol levels in their bodies up to 5.4 percent and also lower bad cholesterol up * with 9.3 percent. In addition to walnuts, for other types of nuts that can also help in lowering cholesterol levels in the body, such as almonds, cashews and other nuts.
The natural way to lower cholesterol levels in the body the next is to eat salmon. Salmon can you make as a food source that could help in lowering high cholesterol levels in your body. This is because salmon contains omega 3 can help in warding off heart disease as well. Besides these fatty acids will assist in lowering levels of bad cholesterol in the body. Based on research from Loma Linda University in omega 3 that replacing saturated fat intake then it could help in increasing the levels of good cholesterol in the body for up to 4 percent.
The natural way to lower cholesterol levels in the next body is by eating oats. Oats can you make as a source of food for your breakfast in the morning. The breakfast at least two servings of oats in each morning can help in lowering bad cholesterol levels in the body up to 5.3 percent in 6 weeks time. This is because the content of beta-glucan, a substance in wheat that are helping to absorb bad cholesterol levels in the body.
black chocolate
Dark chocolate is not only delicious when consumed but it also saves a lot of benefits for the body. In the dark chocolate contains powerful antioxidants that are able to build good cholesterol levels in the body. A study conducted in 2007, participants who consumed cocoa had increased levels of good cholesterol in the body for up to 24 percent over 12 weeks. Well for that it is better if you try to consume dark chocolate is naturally only to assist the process of lowering cholesterol levels in the body.
Which terakir in this discussion is the fruit of the avocado. Avocado fruit is also good for the health of the body one of which is the heart organ. This is because an avocado contains monounsaturated fatty acids that can help in increasing the levels of good cholesterol in the body and helps in lowering bad cholesterol levels in the body. In addition to these functions mngandung antioxidants.


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